Spanish Traveler Phrases You Need To Know

Spanish Traveler Phrases You Need To Know

You’re ready to embark on an adventure in one of the Spanish Traveler countries. There is no wonder you are so excited. In these countries, tourists flock in large numbers. Spain, for instance, was the third most visited country in the world, while Mexico ranked 10th. Did you prepare anything more valuable than your bags, toothpaste, and brush? Your Spanish travel vocabulary will make your adventure more fun and complete if you can communicate with the locals and ask for directions. Bring your Spanish dictionary but don’t bring it along. Your bag can be weighed down and stuffed with too much stuff. We recommend that you read this article and then print our PDF at the end. This mini travel vocabulary contains all the necessary Spanish phrases you’ll need during your trip. We’ve divided them into several categories to make things easier for you:

Greetings from Spain

People from Spain, Latin America, and other Spanish Traveler native countries are known for being friendly and polite. They consider it very important to greet a neighbor or a familiar face on the street. This is why we need to learn a few useful Spanish greetings first. Here are some of the most common : Buenos dias – Good morning Buenas  tardes – Good afternoon Buenas noche – Good evening Hola – Hello *How are you? You use this version formally, a polite version. You can ask this question informally to friends or family members by using ‘How are you?’ Bien, gracias – Good, thank you.Bien, gracias – Good, thank you. The previous question was politely answered by this phrase. We’re so glad you’re here! Por favor- Please; Gracias-Thank you ‘Gracias’ and ‘Por favor’ are common phrases that you need to be aware.

Looking for directions

You may have to use directions phrases at some point during your adventure if you get lost, or if you need help getting somewhere. To find out where something is, use the sentence ‘Where is it?’ which means ‘Where is it?’ It can be followed by the place you’re looking for. Below are some examples. Where is the bank?- Where is the bank? What is the name of the street? Is there a bus station near the train station? This phrase shouldn’t only be used to ask for directions. Busco un hotel – I’m looking for a hotel. Be polite when asking for help from Spanish Traveler people. As a result, here are some phrases you may want to include. When a local wants to help you with directions, you need to know some phrases such as: Excuse me- Excuse me With permission/ Perdoname- Excuse me I am lost- I’m lost In cases when a local wants to help you with directions, you need to know some phrases such as:

During dinner at the restaurant

It is important to the lives of Spanish Traveler and to their culture that they adhere to their food traditions. There is a very high probability that you will need to know some words and expressions related to food. For asking for something, you should use the phrase ‘Quiero,’ which means ‘I want,’ or even better ‘Quisiera,’ in the sense of ‘I would like,’ to say ‘please.’ Once you decide what drink you want, you can order it using the phrase below: A drink- A drink Agua- Water Un café- Coffee Cerveza- Beer Red wine- Red wine White wine- White wine As for the food, here are the common dishes: Salad- Salad Soup- Soup Hamburger- Hamburger El pollo- Chicken La carne- The meat (beef) A main dish- The main dish A dessert- A dessert A table- A table A table for two, three, four.

The Basics Of Travelling Phrases

Other than asking for directions or dining at a restaurant, there are many other phrases you can learn while visiting some of the Spanish-speaking countries. I want, I don’t want- I want, I don’t want This phrase sounds demanding, but it actually means you want coffee, bread, a bus ticket, etc. The following phrase can be used in different scenarios when there is a misunderstanding: In cases when there is a misunderstanding, it could be useful to know those expressions. There’s nothing complicated about it. A noun that represents your object of interest is all you need to add. In today’s world, telling the time may not be necessary because we all have mobile devices. Nevertheless, it would be nice to know how to ask for the time in Spanish.

Spanish Travel Vocabulary List

You probably don’t have even one inch left in your suitcase for one more paper, since you have already packed your suitcase. We have made the list of words and phrases in Spanish in a PDF file so that you can not only print it, but also download it and keep it with you on your iPod, iPad, Tablet, or any other mobile device. Besides phrases in Spanish and translations from Spanish to English, you can also find the English pronunciation. This is especially useful for those who don’t know the language, as well as for beginners. You are all set for an exciting adventure now. Make sure you pay attention to the pronunciation of these words and phrases. You will meet many different, fun, and great people, make friends, and learn about the Spanish culture thanks to this travel vocabulary. Thanks to this vocabulary list, which introduces Spanish-speaking countries, their culture, tradition, and way of life, we hope you will decide to pursue fluency.